Reborn Page 12
Page 12
Bernie gives me a confused look, “You think so?”
I nod, “You underestimate the effect love has on people. ”
He shakes his head, “I think you underestimate my role in our love. ” I laugh but Anna grabs my arm, ignoring when I wince from the wound on it.
I shake my head and just say what I'm thinking, “You can’t come. Just stop being crazy and think. This house is our best bet at survival in the winter. When it comes, we won't have the cabin. Think about your last winter? Think about the fact you and Jake hid outside my cabin, stealing water and nearly dying. It was spring then. And Bernie can’t keep this place safe, now that people know where it is. We don’t know if any of Marshall’s people made it out of here. We need Sarah, Bernie, and Leo to stay safe. Leo is hurt. He can’t come with me. We need this house to stay safe. You’re the only one. ”
Her eyes burn. She whispers, “Damn you. ”
I nod, “I know if anyone can keep Leo and Sarah safe, it’s you. ”
She makes her wheeze and storms from the room.
Bernie gives me a look, “Wow, you came up with that faster than I would have. ”
I nod, “It’s true and it’s the only way she’s gonna stay. I could see you weren’t going to say anything anyway. ”
His eyes soften, “Thank you. ” He knows we’re going to die, more than likely and doesn’t want her to come. We’re always more than likely going to die. The fact only Meg is gone is some kind of miracle.
Will gives me a look, “When do you want to leave?”
“Now. ”
Star looks annoyed, “Really?”
I nod, “I want this over. I want to be back before the people from the camp have time to get here, if any did get away. ”
Jake watches me from the corner, “I’m coming. ” He turns and leaves. I look at Will who clenches his jaw, “He’s not going to back down. ”
I shrug, “I’ll break his legs, he’ll stay. ”
I storm after him. He looks back and me and grins, taking off running. I can still see the way he favors his leg that was hurt.
I chase him up the stairs. “You aren’t coming. ”
He gives me a smirk, “You going to stop me?”
I nod, “I am. ”
“You aren’t the boss, flashy crow. You may have everyone else convinced you’re the boss, but I don’t buy it. I watched you for months. You were lonely. You were scared. I saw it. You read those books in the window of that cabin and your face softened, in a way I only see when you’re with me. ” He points, “You can deny it all you want, but I know you better than anyone. I know you better than you know yourself. ” He closes the door, leaving me standing in the hallway with my heart beating a mile a minute.
I never thought about the fact he watched me.
I turn and walk into our room. Sarah is napping with Andy on the bed. I lie down beside her, stroking her soft, blonde hair. She opens her eyes slowly, “Mom?” She sees me and blushes, “Hey, Em. ”
I smile, “Missing your mom?”
She shakes her head, “No. ”
I smile wider, “It's okay if you are. I miss my family all the time. "
She shakes her head, "Just missing Meg. The rest of my family is here. "
I don’t want to say it, but I need to be honest with her, "I have to go, kid. I gotta stop those people hurting the kids for Meg. Then I have to deal with my dad. ”
Her happy look is gone, “Take me with you. Don’t leave me alone. ”
I grab her and hold her tight, “Anna is going to stay and Leo and Bernie. If I could get Jake to stay, I would but he’s being an ass. ”
She shakes and snuggles into me more, “Don’t leave, Em. We’re safe here. ”
I nod, “But those people that were going to hurt me, they’re hurting the little kids all the time now. We have to go save those kids. Remember, Meg wanted them all dead. ”
She looks at me with her glossy, blue eyes, “Okay. Meg wanted them kids saved. She said that God loves all kids, no matter how they came to be here. She said them men was the devil and not servants of God at all. "
I smiled, "No one knew God like Meg did. "
Sarah's eyes glance around the room, "Uh, Em, just don’t bring them here. ” She glances at Andy, “One bratty kid is enough. ”
I laugh softly, “I’m taking that one with me. ”
She shakes her head, “He isn’t so bad with Mary not being here to coddle him over everything. He wasn’t even hers. ”
I don’t understand, “What?”
She nods, “When Marshall got to the cabin, he kept saying that she was lucky he found that brat for her, and she should be grateful he spared the soul of her baby. ”
I wince, “Oh God. ”
She nods and I wonder if she understands it all. I look at Andy, “So he isn’t like me?”
She shakes her head, “No. Meg said that’s why they let him live, like us. They was going to let us live too, ‘cause we’re normal. ” Her words burn me, she doesn’t know it, but they do. I don’t say anything. I kiss her forehead and take a deep breath of her before I get up, “You help Anna with that kid then. If you want him to stay, you gotta do the work. ”
She smiles, “I don’t like him that much, but I don’t hate him. Not the way I hated Mary. Meg said all he needed was a spanking. ”
I laughed, “Well, don’t go overboard on those either. Beating someone rarely changes who they are, and only really makes you feel better for a short amount of time. ” I learned that in a book of my dad’s. It was about parenting, single parenting.
I wave, “I’ll see you when I get back. Stay in the house with them, don’t stray, and take Leo everywhere with you. ”
She nods, “Be safe. "
I grin and leave the room. I hunt the house for Leo. I find him camped out. It’s his way of healing. He always hides under something. Old wolf instincts.
I crawl under the huge coffee table and curl into him. The smell of his fur makes my heart ache. I stroke him. He makes his wolf sound and licks my hand. I grab his huge face and make him look into my eyes, “You keep them safe. You stay safe. No coming after me, no matter what. I’ll come for you, I swear it. Even if I have to drag myself here from wherever I am, I’ll make it back, but you stay. You hear me?”
His eyes study my face. He licks my cheek. I lean into his face, “I love you too. ”
“Keep Anna and Sarah safe the most. If Bernie or Andy have to be risked to save them, I want you to do it. ”
I don’t know if he understands me but I know how his loyalty works. And how he feels about Andy. Damned kid.
I crawl back out and kiss him. I point, “You stay with Anna and Sarah. ”
He yawns. He knows he’s sick. His wound hadn’t got infected yet but it’s still sore.
I leave the house and walk to the garage. Bernie is passing Will bags that look like the military compound bags.
“How did you get all this shit?”
He grins at me, “I may or may not have stolen it. ”
Anna glares at me from the house. Jake nudges me as he walks out, eating moose jerky, “You think she’s mad now—wait till she finds out Andy is staying. ”
I glare at him.
He smiles wide, “You better be nice to me, or I’ll tell her. ”
I shove him. Will scowls, “Stop screwing around and load the van. ” He nods at the back, “Put some gas in, Jake. Be useful for once. ”
Jake flips him the bird but gets the gas jugs.
I shake my head.
We finish loading and climb into the van. Anna doesn’t budge. Bernie gives me a hug.
Star gives me a devious smile, “I see we’re missing a passenger. ”
I nod, “Sarah wants him to stay. ”
She frowns, “Well, at least we don’t have to listen to him. ”
Bernie looks confused, “You ar
en’t leaving that kid here?”
I nod, “We are. ” I close the door, shouting at him, “Take care of my family, Bernie. ”
He nods at me through the window. We drive away and I see the desperate anger on Anna’s face. I hate it. Sarah waves through the upstairs window. I scramble over Jake and Will, not thinking and climb over Will’s body to hang mine out the window, waving my arm. Her face lights up.
“Em, I’m not complaining, but I can’t see. ”
I climb off him and sit back against the metal wall. Star gives me a funny look, “Sometimes you do the weirdest things. Like caring for that kid. What do you care if she sees you waving?”
I frown, “I don’t want her last memory of me to be that she waved and I didn’t wave back. I know how that feels. ”
I look down at my boots. I’m tired in a way I’ve never been. It’s like it’s in my soul. My body can heal from anything, but I’m seeing that my heart can’t. Meg’s death is a sore that won’t heal over, not properly, and Leo being hurt and not with me, is an awful feeling. My mind is playing horrid tricks on me, suggesting things like Leo could get an infection, and die thinking I abandoned him in a house with other people.
I wrap my arms around myself and try not to think about any of it. Marshall is dead, and maybe he did kill Meg, but she killed him right back. She saved all of us. She saved me. I think Leo is the thing that saved the good parts in me, the parts that Granny made, and I think his death would have killed those parts off. Then I would be a shell of a human, like Will. That makes me shudder.
“You cold?”
I glance up at Star and shake my head.
She gives me a faint smile, “You know, you aren’t what I expected you to be. ”
I nod, “Same goes for you. I thought you were weak, giggly, and annoying. ”
Her eyebrow lifts, “So what you’re saying is, you don’t feel like I’m like that?”
I nod, “I think you’re more than that. ”